Energy Pathfinder – Webinar 1: Achieving NZEB Standards in Historic Buildings

A Webinar by Dr Caroline Engels Purcell, Head of Research and Peter Cox, Managing Director of Carrig Conservation International.

This was the first in a series of webinars to be hosted by NCE Insulation as part of the Energy Pathfinder project and is part funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme. 

This 20 minute webinar covered the work Carrig Conservation International has been doing to achieve the sustainable energy renovation of historic and traditional buildings. The webinar is free and open to anyone with and interest in sustainable energy and historic buildings. 

Carrig is a conservation consultancy with over 25 years’ experience in the practical conservation of the historic built environment. The consultancy is experienced at both research and practical application of energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions. Carrig associates have written extensively on heritage and climate change for prestigious journals and presented at key international conferences. Carrig is active in various Committees of ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites) on the subject of Climate Change and Sustainable Development. 

The webinar was introduced and chaired by José Ospina, Project Manager of Energy Pathfinder Project. The webinar was delivered by Dr Caroline Engel Purcell (Head of Research) and Peter Cox (Managing Director) of Carrig Conservation International Ltd.

Carrig is a conservation consultancy with over 25 years’ experience in the practical conservation of the historic built environment. The consultancy is experienced at both research and practical application of energy efficiency and reduction of carbon emissions. Carrig associates have written extensively on heritage and climate change for prestigious journals and presented at key international conferences. Carrig is active in various Committees of ICOMOS (the International Council on Monuments and Sites) on the subject of Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

Dr Caroline Engel Purcell is the author of the study of Deep Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings – Addressing the Knowledge Gaps and Skills Training in Ireland (2018), funded by the SEAI and supported by the Heritage Council and ICOMOS Ireland. Carrig, with the support of Dr Cathy Daly, was contracted by the Irish Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DCHG) to prepare the first Climate Change Adaptation Sectoral Plan for Built and Archaeological Heritage, which was published in November 2019. Carrig, with the support of Dr Aidan Duffy (TU Dublin), has also produced a report on Understanding Carbon in the Historic Environment for Historic England, which will be made publicly available at the end of February 2020.

Carrig is currently working with the Heritage Council to deliver a CPD Lecture Series on the Fundamentals of Energy Renovation for Traditional Buildings which has been funded in part by the SEAI.

Carrig is providing technical support to several practical sustainable energy regeneration projects, including the Callan Sustainable Town Regeneration programme, the Skellig Michael Lighthouse NZEB Strategy and the Askeaton Castle Gate Lodge NZEB Strategy.

After the Webinar a number of questions relating to energy efficiency in buildings were addressed by the Speakers. The Webinar closed at 12 PM GMT. 

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